Do Not Force It, Let It Be : Confessions of A Social Entrepreneur

Do Not Force It, Let It Be

by Chataun Denis on 11/14/12

Over the past several weeks I have been feeling some kind of way...nervous, anxious, and excited all at the same time. My business is stable and doing well, but I am ready to do something new and different. Although I have envisioned the direction in which I would like for my business to go, I am still at the mercy of what I like to call "divine order". Divine order is the part of life that is beyond my control; that force that brings things to pass at their perfectly appointed time; no sooner or later than when they are SUPPOSED to happen. 

I have learned to not force situations, but to surrender and allow life to unfold at its own pace. The challenge with daily surrendering is silencing the brain chatter; the incessant screenplay of thoughts that will not stop. It requires constant vigilance and monitoring on my part to control my mind as opposed to my mind controlling me. Patience is the lesson. Enjoying the journey instead of anticipating the destination is the blessing.  

When I feel overwhelmed and out of sorts, I have learned that Nature is my calm. Taking a walk; sitting on the deck; focusing on my breathing; and admiring the sky, the trees, and the birds, all help me to come back to center; to quiet my mind until the divine time arrives and I am instructed to MOVE.

In the meantime, I am enjoying spending quality time with myself; giving myself permission to DO NOTHING; to just BE; to watch my favorite tv shows; to talk with daughter attentively; spending time with friends and family; and sharing my insights and self-discoveries with my husband. And, I find that when I live in this balance, the anxiety, frustration, and stress disappears and life begins to flow easily and effortlessly. Today, in this moment, I choose absolute presence.

Comments (6)

1. Pam said on 11/14/12 - 11:19AM
It's nice to know that I'm not alone in my quest to silence the constant brain chatter that doesn't allow me to just be! Thank you.
2. Tina said on 11/14/12 - 11:51AM
WOW!!! What comforting advice. Thank you, as I ditto Pam, I'm glad that I am not alone. God is our source and our provider and He shall direct our paths. We shall surrender and follow Him, who knows best and as you said, at the divine appointed time, it will be done. THANK YOU!!! thd
3. Arlene said on 11/14/12 - 12:23PM
It seems for the most part, we are not alone in this moment, to just stand and let it be. Thanks, great post
4. Stephanie said on 11/14/12 - 01:16PM
Thank you! How nice to be validated when I feel the exact same way. Sometimes what we need to do is wait. And today I am choosing to wait gracefully! :-)
5. Latrell Turner said on 11/14/12 - 04:39PM
Absolutely brilliant!
6. Najla said on 11/15/12 - 05:07AM
My Goodness, I shook my head and did a few double-takes as I began to read what was shared! I thought "How in the world did she just state my exact situation?!" GOD IS TRULY MAGNANIMOUS!!! Thank you so much for sharing! This message was RIGHT ON TIME! :)

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